My goal through photography is to show that God does indeed exist, and that His Creation proves it.Just look and then believe. Romans 1:20 explains it best. What God has made is beautiful and worth a look. It shows His complexity, His power, and His creativity. So the next time you see a beautiful sunset, think of God who made all things, and then give thanks.
Monday, December 31, 2012
12 Joys of Christmas
Recap of Christmas! Another Christmas has come to a close! But that doesn't mean it has to end. If you remember what Christmas is all about, you will begin to understand that Christmas has a place in your heart every day of your life. The birth of a Savior! One that will redeem you before the Father in heaven. A Savior who wrote your name in the book of life before He set the foundations of the Earth. But all that rests on whether or not you have truly accepted Christ in your heart as your personal Lord and Savior, and trust wholly in Him! That's what it takes to have your name written in His book of life! Don't waist another day wondering if there are good things waiting for you in the Kingdom of the Lord! The place we all belong.... Is on our knees!. There is no place in heaven saved for those who are full of themselves! Only the humble in heart can truly trust in God. Only the humble can hear the voice of the Savior calling! Only the humble understand that they are lost without the One and Only Savior God! Trust and Rest in Jesus Christ throughout the year.Then you can experience real peace in 2013!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Joy In My Savior!
The 12 Joys of Christmas: Joy In My Savior!
This Joy is the root of all other Joys!
Luke 2:10-11 And the angel said to them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." esv Luke 2:13-14 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!"
Angels sang for the joy of a Savior being born! A star shown the way to where the baby lay. What other event or gift could bring real joy to all people. A joy of Salvation, Forgiveness, Redemption, Grace, Hope, Love, Mercy, Comfort, Peace, Acceptance, Freedom, and Direction. The ultimate of joys... Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. May His birthday bring you joy like it does for me. Real joy! Jesus Christ is the reason for this season. Don't forget Him. Keep Him in the center of all you celebrate on His birthday.
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 24, 2012
The Joy of Direction
The 12 Joys of Christmas: The Joy of Direction.
Have you ever wondered which way to turn when there was a fork in the road? Have you ever wonder what direction your life was moving? Ever felt like your life has no purpose? Directions seem to be something everyone needs when going somewhere. Its the same for a Christian. What decision do I make, seems to be the question when we wonder what God's will is in our lives. Look no further... The Bible holds the answers! A Christians life no longer needs to be directionless!
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing then in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: KJV
Teach everyone. Teach them that Jesus Christ came as a man and died for their sin. That the penalty is paid in full for those who trust in Him. Teach them the the Bible is the ultimate authority in a Christians life, as it was given to us by God. Tell everyone that we have a responsibility to tell others what we know is true in the Bible and our hearts. Look at the life of Jesus when He was here. He lived a perfect life, no sin. He told others about the way, the truth, and the life. He gave selflessly everything He had. He constantly looked to the Father for strength. He gave His life that we might be redeemed! What a life, what an example, what a Savior!
Follow His direction. Practice what the Bible teaches us. Surrender your heart to Him who loves us and gave His life for us that we might live. Then.... Spread the word of what He has done in your life. Let everyone hear. Let everyone decide. Let God be praised in heaven and on earth.
Have you ever wondered which way to turn when there was a fork in the road? Have you ever wonder what direction your life was moving? Ever felt like your life has no purpose? Directions seem to be something everyone needs when going somewhere. Its the same for a Christian. What decision do I make, seems to be the question when we wonder what God's will is in our lives. Look no further... The Bible holds the answers! A Christians life no longer needs to be directionless!
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing then in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: KJV
Teach everyone. Teach them that Jesus Christ came as a man and died for their sin. That the penalty is paid in full for those who trust in Him. Teach them the the Bible is the ultimate authority in a Christians life, as it was given to us by God. Tell everyone that we have a responsibility to tell others what we know is true in the Bible and our hearts. Look at the life of Jesus when He was here. He lived a perfect life, no sin. He told others about the way, the truth, and the life. He gave selflessly everything He had. He constantly looked to the Father for strength. He gave His life that we might be redeemed! What a life, what an example, what a Savior!
Follow His direction. Practice what the Bible teaches us. Surrender your heart to Him who loves us and gave His life for us that we might live. Then.... Spread the word of what He has done in your life. Let everyone hear. Let everyone decide. Let God be praised in heaven and on earth.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
The Joy of Freedom
The 12 Joys of Christmas: The Joy of Freedom.
John 8:31b-32 If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. esv
Freedom.... Something everyone wants. Something people will go to war for. People fight people, and countries fight countries. I wonder how many of us that are free truly feel free. I America, we say we are free. But look deep your heart and ask yourself if you truly are free. Free from sin and death. Sin is often described as a chain, or yolk. It makes you work harder for nothing. It holds you down to the point of death, and many people say you are a slave to it. That "it" or "sin" is different for everyone. But it all comes down to one penalty.... Death.... And not just physical death, but also spiritual death. And that is truly frightening!
Being in the word (Bible ... Word of God) reveals truth to those who are His ... Those who belong to Christ. That equals real freedom. Freedom from the bonds of sin. The chains that bind no longer hold. Life in Christ is Real Freedom! Give your life, your heart, to Him and enjoy that freedom now!
John 8:31b-32 If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. esv
Freedom.... Something everyone wants. Something people will go to war for. People fight people, and countries fight countries. I wonder how many of us that are free truly feel free. I America, we say we are free. But look deep your heart and ask yourself if you truly are free. Free from sin and death. Sin is often described as a chain, or yolk. It makes you work harder for nothing. It holds you down to the point of death, and many people say you are a slave to it. That "it" or "sin" is different for everyone. But it all comes down to one penalty.... Death.... And not just physical death, but also spiritual death. And that is truly frightening!
Being in the word (Bible ... Word of God) reveals truth to those who are His ... Those who belong to Christ. That equals real freedom. Freedom from the bonds of sin. The chains that bind no longer hold. Life in Christ is Real Freedom! Give your life, your heart, to Him and enjoy that freedom now!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
The Joy of Acceptance
The 12 Joys of Christmas: The Joy of Acceptance.
1 Peter 2:5 you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. esv
A boulder wall is very beautiful. Different colored stones and various shapes and sizes makes for a wonderful rustic appearance. But a stone wall not built correctly from the bottom up can create issues from the start. Larger stones make your base and as you work your way up, smaller stones come into play. When we are built up by the Great Architect you can be sure the right foundation is in place to withstand the greatest trials. That first stone we are built on is Christ Jesus! No other foundation can stand in times of trial. And make no mistake! If we try to build on our own, even the smallest of trials will level the work of our hands! The Lord knows when to build up, and only He knows the right time to add another "stone" in order to help us grow.
If you have ever built a stone wall on your own, you know that each stone must me turned and fitted into place in order for it to be effective in holding back the earth behind. And once again, only Christ can do that kind of building in our lives! With His perfect hands, he places and moves each piece in our lives to make us the most effective, strong, and stable tool. And lets face it, there is no better place to be than in the loving hands of Jesus Christ. Submit to His lead. Let Him guide your path. Trust your life to His embracing hands. Joy after joy is waiting!
1 Peter 2:5 you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. esv
A boulder wall is very beautiful. Different colored stones and various shapes and sizes makes for a wonderful rustic appearance. But a stone wall not built correctly from the bottom up can create issues from the start. Larger stones make your base and as you work your way up, smaller stones come into play. When we are built up by the Great Architect you can be sure the right foundation is in place to withstand the greatest trials. That first stone we are built on is Christ Jesus! No other foundation can stand in times of trial. And make no mistake! If we try to build on our own, even the smallest of trials will level the work of our hands! The Lord knows when to build up, and only He knows the right time to add another "stone" in order to help us grow.
If you have ever built a stone wall on your own, you know that each stone must me turned and fitted into place in order for it to be effective in holding back the earth behind. And once again, only Christ can do that kind of building in our lives! With His perfect hands, he places and moves each piece in our lives to make us the most effective, strong, and stable tool. And lets face it, there is no better place to be than in the loving hands of Jesus Christ. Submit to His lead. Let Him guide your path. Trust your life to His embracing hands. Joy after joy is waiting!
Friday, December 21, 2012
The Joy of Peace
The 12 Joys of Christmas: The Joy of Peace.
Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. KJV
Ever breathed a sigh of relief when something stressful has just been completed, or had a huge weight lifted off your shoulders when someone helped you with something hard, or even stepped outside to see and hear a perfectly calm, silent, and still morning? That same feeling can be yours everyday, if you have accepted Jesus Christ in your heart as your Savior. No matter what may come or happen to you in your life, you will have peace knowing the Lord has saved you from eternal death! And when we daily live our lives to please Him in all we do, that same peace helps encourage and strengthen us for the work ahead. When the end of our lives come, we will have Jesus by our side. He will acknowledge to the Father that He knows us! And we will live with Him for all eternity! Peace... The root of real security... Eternal security!
Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. KJV
Ever breathed a sigh of relief when something stressful has just been completed, or had a huge weight lifted off your shoulders when someone helped you with something hard, or even stepped outside to see and hear a perfectly calm, silent, and still morning? That same feeling can be yours everyday, if you have accepted Jesus Christ in your heart as your Savior. No matter what may come or happen to you in your life, you will have peace knowing the Lord has saved you from eternal death! And when we daily live our lives to please Him in all we do, that same peace helps encourage and strengthen us for the work ahead. When the end of our lives come, we will have Jesus by our side. He will acknowledge to the Father that He knows us! And we will live with Him for all eternity! Peace... The root of real security... Eternal security!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
The Joy of Comfort
The 12 Joys of Christmas: The Joy of Comfort.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4a Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, esv
Have you ever been so sick or sad that all you longed for was to be held? This feeling is most typically found in children. But if we look deep in our hearts, I believe we will find that our souls long to be held by God. Sheltered from harm and hurt.
Look close at this picture... You will see my youngest, who was extremely sick, being held by her Mom. No matter what I tried, I was unable to get my daughter to fall asleep to get the rest she disparately needed. But in less than 2 minutes, my daughter fell asleep in my wife's arms. Sometimes there is only one who can comfort us and give us what we need. God is the only one who can comfort us in any trial. Only He can heal our hurts. Only He can hold us up and carry us when our feet give out from under us. When we find ourselves in the "I cant", that is when we need to let go and let God "do". There is no greater comfort than that which is from God.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4a Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, esv
Have you ever been so sick or sad that all you longed for was to be held? This feeling is most typically found in children. But if we look deep in our hearts, I believe we will find that our souls long to be held by God. Sheltered from harm and hurt.
Look close at this picture... You will see my youngest, who was extremely sick, being held by her Mom. No matter what I tried, I was unable to get my daughter to fall asleep to get the rest she disparately needed. But in less than 2 minutes, my daughter fell asleep in my wife's arms. Sometimes there is only one who can comfort us and give us what we need. God is the only one who can comfort us in any trial. Only He can heal our hurts. Only He can hold us up and carry us when our feet give out from under us. When we find ourselves in the "I cant", that is when we need to let go and let God "do". There is no greater comfort than that which is from God.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
The Joy of Mercy
The 12 Joys of Christmas: The Joy of Mercy.
Children have many fears. Fear of the dark, of being alone, and telling Dad what you did wrong when he got home... "Just wait until your Father gets home..." Knowing you did something wrong that you would need to answer for can be very unnerving. Many times in my life I feel that same way when I fall short of God's expectations. Just the fear of confessing and asking for forgiveness can sometimes feel like a huge step... But that is where mercy kicks into high gear.
Children have many fears. Fear of the dark, of being alone, and telling Dad what you did wrong when he got home... "Just wait until your Father gets home..." Knowing you did something wrong that you would need to answer for can be very unnerving. Many times in my life I feel that same way when I fall short of God's expectations. Just the fear of confessing and asking for forgiveness can sometimes feel like a huge step... But that is where mercy kicks into high gear.
Hebrews 4:16 tells us something wonderful about our Father in heaven. "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. KJV
I believe there are two types of bold. Arrogant boldness... ie one who is full of them selves boldness.. and .. Humble boldness.... ie one who is accepted and humbly comes before God boldness. Lets face it, no one will come before God full of themselves and get anywhere. Only a humble hearted person bought by the blood of Jesus Christ could ever come into the presence of God and ask for anything. God holds all things in His mighty hands. Only He can can see deep into our hearts, and give us what we are really longing for. Forgiveness, grace, mercy, love, acceptance, support: just to name a few. Because of His great love for us, He shows us unending mercy. What a merciful God we have! Take a look at your life....I am sure you will find something there that proves how merciful God is with you, just like He is with me.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
The Joy of Love
The 12 Joys of Christmas: The Joy of Love.
Romans 5:8 "but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." esv
As a parent I am very familiar with unconditional love. Even before my children were born, I loved them with all my heart. The first moment I saw them, I was overwhelmed and wanted to provide for them anything they needed, and never wanted to be separated from them.
It is much like that for our Father in heaven .... only much more so. God's love is boundless, never ends, is trust worthy, has no strings attached, and is truly unconditional. He does provide all our needs. He is never separated from us. And he loved us before He set the foundations of this world. His desire is to have a truly full filled relationship with each and everyone of us. And He was willing to send His only Son to die on a cross to give us the one thing we needed the most .... Salvation.
It doesn't matter what you have done in your life, or how undeserving you think you are. God loved us when we were at our worst. He pulled us out of the miry clay and accepted us. And He is waiting for you, just as you are.
Romans 5:8 "but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." esv
As a parent I am very familiar with unconditional love. Even before my children were born, I loved them with all my heart. The first moment I saw them, I was overwhelmed and wanted to provide for them anything they needed, and never wanted to be separated from them.
It is much like that for our Father in heaven .... only much more so. God's love is boundless, never ends, is trust worthy, has no strings attached, and is truly unconditional. He does provide all our needs. He is never separated from us. And he loved us before He set the foundations of this world. His desire is to have a truly full filled relationship with each and everyone of us. And He was willing to send His only Son to die on a cross to give us the one thing we needed the most .... Salvation.
It doesn't matter what you have done in your life, or how undeserving you think you are. God loved us when we were at our worst. He pulled us out of the miry clay and accepted us. And He is waiting for you, just as you are.
Monday, December 17, 2012
The Joy of Hope
The 12 Joys of Christmas: The Joy of Hope.
Have you ever waited for something you knew was coming? Like a package, or delivery? That feeling of anticipation when you are really excited? That same feeling is what I feel when I read of the coming of the Lord. Something so awesome is waiting. Waiting for those who know the Lord. The anticipation of seeing the Lord come in the clouds, and being before God at the mercy seat, takes my breath away! Its rooted in that joy that we have hope. Hope of the coming of the Lord and seeing Him in Glory is a reward beyond description for those who know Him.
Romans 5:2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. KJV
We only have access because of the Lord, and then only by faith in Him. Look deep in your heart and ask yourself if you have trusted in Christ. No other decision will affect your eternal well being like this one. And then Christmas will never be the same for you again.
Have you ever waited for something you knew was coming? Like a package, or delivery? That feeling of anticipation when you are really excited? That same feeling is what I feel when I read of the coming of the Lord. Something so awesome is waiting. Waiting for those who know the Lord. The anticipation of seeing the Lord come in the clouds, and being before God at the mercy seat, takes my breath away! Its rooted in that joy that we have hope. Hope of the coming of the Lord and seeing Him in Glory is a reward beyond description for those who know Him.
Romans 5:2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. KJV
We only have access because of the Lord, and then only by faith in Him. Look deep in your heart and ask yourself if you have trusted in Christ. No other decision will affect your eternal well being like this one. And then Christmas will never be the same for you again.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
The Joy of Grace
The 12 Joys of Christmas: The Joy of Grace.
Many people struggle in today's world when it comes to justification. We all want to justify something we said or did because we feel we are right. Many will also justify themselves in their works in their life when I ask one question... "Do you think you will go to heaven, and if so, why?" Some will say yes, and that they have lived a good life and have helped some people and attended church. Some will give more detail than others. But really in the end.....we cannot get to heaven on our own accord. Nothing we do in this life will ever earn us the reward of heaven.
Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace you have saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." esv Its not our works that get us to heaven. Only by trusting in Christ Jesus do we have salvation. And only because of Christ's gift to us, do we have heaven as a reward. If I could choose only one gift to receive in my entire lifetime, I would with out a doubt choose the free gift of salvation. No other gift will ever match the weight and worth of that one gift. It is wrapped in love, and was delivered by the hand that loves us most.. God's hand.
Accept His free gift. In the end it will be the best thing that has ever happened to you"!
Many people struggle in today's world when it comes to justification. We all want to justify something we said or did because we feel we are right. Many will also justify themselves in their works in their life when I ask one question... "Do you think you will go to heaven, and if so, why?" Some will say yes, and that they have lived a good life and have helped some people and attended church. Some will give more detail than others. But really in the end.....we cannot get to heaven on our own accord. Nothing we do in this life will ever earn us the reward of heaven.
Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace you have saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." esv Its not our works that get us to heaven. Only by trusting in Christ Jesus do we have salvation. And only because of Christ's gift to us, do we have heaven as a reward. If I could choose only one gift to receive in my entire lifetime, I would with out a doubt choose the free gift of salvation. No other gift will ever match the weight and worth of that one gift. It is wrapped in love, and was delivered by the hand that loves us most.. God's hand.
Accept His free gift. In the end it will be the best thing that has ever happened to you"!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
The Joy of Redemption
The 12 Joys of Christmas: The Joy of Redemption.
Romans 3:23-24 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a free gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, esv Those who have accepted Christ in their hearts have been redeemed by Jesus Christ. Webster defines redemption as " the act of procuring the deliverance of persons or things from the possession and power of captors by the payment of an equivalent.... Deliverance from bondage, distress, or from liability to any evil or forfeiture,"
We have bought with a price, and that price could only be paid by Jesus Christ. Only a "lamb with out blemish" would be accepted by the Father. Jesus Christ was the only one who could live a sinless life. Perfect in every way. Look to Christ this Christmas. This time of the year is all about Him. He deserves our praise, service, and remembrance this Christmas. What a joy! I am redeemed!
Romans 3:23-24 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a free gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, esv Those who have accepted Christ in their hearts have been redeemed by Jesus Christ. Webster defines redemption as " the act of procuring the deliverance of persons or things from the possession and power of captors by the payment of an equivalent.... Deliverance from bondage, distress, or from liability to any evil or forfeiture,"
We have bought with a price, and that price could only be paid by Jesus Christ. Only a "lamb with out blemish" would be accepted by the Father. Jesus Christ was the only one who could live a sinless life. Perfect in every way. Look to Christ this Christmas. This time of the year is all about Him. He deserves our praise, service, and remembrance this Christmas. What a joy! I am redeemed!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
The Joy of Forgiveness
The 12 Joys of Christmas: The Joy of Forgiveness.
There can be no greater relief in a persons life than to have the penalty of their sins removed from them. Colossians 1:13-14 tells us of our redemption in Christ. "He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. esv He has paid a price to the Father that we never could have paid. Think of it in another way... Before sin, Adam walked with God in the garden. When sin entered the world we were separated from the Father. Like crossing the Grand Canyon. If we were to try on our own to cross we would fall. Jesus Christ died on that cross to bridge that great divide. He provided the way for us to come back to the Father. Without Christ we would be dead in sin. Crushed under the load of chained slavery forever. He saw our need and came. He removed the chains of slavery to sin, and gave us a new life! Accept Christ and the free gift He offers, and live a fulfilled life in Christ!
There can be no greater relief in a persons life than to have the penalty of their sins removed from them. Colossians 1:13-14 tells us of our redemption in Christ. "He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. esv He has paid a price to the Father that we never could have paid. Think of it in another way... Before sin, Adam walked with God in the garden. When sin entered the world we were separated from the Father. Like crossing the Grand Canyon. If we were to try on our own to cross we would fall. Jesus Christ died on that cross to bridge that great divide. He provided the way for us to come back to the Father. Without Christ we would be dead in sin. Crushed under the load of chained slavery forever. He saw our need and came. He removed the chains of slavery to sin, and gave us a new life! Accept Christ and the free gift He offers, and live a fulfilled life in Christ!

The Joy Of Salvation
The 12 Joys of Christmas: The Joy Of Salvation
As the days grow closer to Christmas day, more and more people will get into the "holiday spirit." Things like the 12 days of Christmas become more popular. The sad part about the 12 days of Christmas is that, like the song, the focus is about stuff other than Christ. Which saddens me at the deepest levels of my heart. If only we would remember the real reason for joy during this season.... Christ Jesus, who is God, was sent born as a man, to pay the ultimate penalty for the sin in this world, and save those who love Him and give their lives wholly to Him.
So it is very appropriate that today I tell you about how I see the 12 days before Christmas. I truly believe the Spirit has put on my heart to publicly tell all about "The 12 Joys of Christmas." 12 separate joys for each day before Christmas and ending with the best Joy I believe exists in the world today. So thirteen joys are coming. Read each, and try to remember the real reason for Christmas. And keep Christ as the focus of the season.
The Joy of Salvation .... Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (KJV)
As the days grow closer to Christmas day, more and more people will get into the "holiday spirit." Things like the 12 days of Christmas become more popular. The sad part about the 12 days of Christmas is that, like the song, the focus is about stuff other than Christ. Which saddens me at the deepest levels of my heart. If only we would remember the real reason for joy during this season.... Christ Jesus, who is God, was sent born as a man, to pay the ultimate penalty for the sin in this world, and save those who love Him and give their lives wholly to Him.
So it is very appropriate that today I tell you about how I see the 12 days before Christmas. I truly believe the Spirit has put on my heart to publicly tell all about "The 12 Joys of Christmas." 12 separate joys for each day before Christmas and ending with the best Joy I believe exists in the world today. So thirteen joys are coming. Read each, and try to remember the real reason for Christmas. And keep Christ as the focus of the season.
The Joy of Salvation .... Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (KJV)
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