
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Land of Desolation

In the quiet, I cover my face..
Down on my knees, there's not a trace,
Of the joy I once felt.
All that is left is a barren disgrace.
Fire raged in, there was no escape.
The ashes of a once productive life,
fall from the sky.
As the smoke rises up, 
the emptiness rushes in.
Hopelessness surrounds. How can I survive?
There is no escape, Desolation all around.
From the North to the South,
East to the West,
From all directions, Hope seems to have left.
In my desolation, I cry to the Lord!
Help me Father! I know not what to do!
I've made a mess of all you have given,
Destroyed everything, 
Nothing has been saved..
And nothing is made new!
How can I go on? 
There's nothing I can do...
I raise my head, for one final cry....
I see in the distance, a Light in the sky!
How can this be? He coming to me!

Here you are, He says! I've found you at last!
You have wandered so far, But I've always been near.
Watching and waiting for you to look to Me.
I have your answers, I hold the key.
Now its time to come home, Your coming with Me!

He picks me up, though I'm covered in ash.
Holds out His arms and says 
Come to Me, I will heal your heart!
A loving embrace is all I know now.
Endless compassion, as I sit on His knee.
Amidst the destruction, He uncovered the ash.
What I saw gave me hope. I could not believe..
There underneath, hidden...Waiting.... 
For the time to be right.
New, and green! New life growing up!
Restoration and Joy, Forgiveness and hope!
His love knows no bounds!
He's waiting for you!
He found me, He can surely find you!
Trust in the Lord,
He knows what to do. 
He created you and makes all things new!