I have often wondered what the best way to witness is..?
I have seen different methods work, and I have seen some methods fail.
How do you determine the best way to present the Gospel to someone
who may not know the Lord, or even you?..
How do you know if "true conversion" or "true repentance" has taken place?
Some say FEAR. "Fear is the best way to change the heart."
They say it will last and give true results.
Some say PATIENCE. "Patience allows the Lord to work in His time."
To be honest, there is no one way to witness.
We as missionaries need to trust that the Lord will guide our hand.
If we rush in, not waiting on the Lord, we trip.
If we don't take the opportunities presented to us, we disobey.
We all are gifted according to will of the Father.
Revealed to us through the Spirit who guides and teaches us.
Matters of the heart are sometimes extremely personal.
Many times judging creeps in and we decide for someone
if they are truly saved or repentant.
Only the Lord knows the heart. Only He is worthy to judge.
Our job is to be obedient to Him, spread the word of what He has done for us!
The Lord takes our obedience and multiplies it according to His will!
Go out, have a conversation with someone. See what the Lord will do.
May His will rule in your life and mine! Don't judge.... Love.
That is how they will know we are Christians.... By our Love!