A Patterned String
Is it possible to have a life reflect a string of loving acts?
A life wholly devoted to never ending loving deeds?
What would someone look like who was so devoted?
It can be argued that people who are wholly devoted
to the Lord will reflect Him. So much so that all
those around can easily see that Christ is central to their life.
John 13: 34-35
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another."(ESV)
In verse 35 the word "love" means
affection or benevolence; a love feast; feast of charity,
brotherly love, affection, good will, benevolence
It is a word by definition, requiring action.
So let's clarify... One act of love is great!
It can mend a broken heart, give hope,
and make you feel pretty good.
But the type of love described here is a repeating love.
Our lives need to be a pattern of loving acts
done consistently all throughout our lives.
Would someone say you were a reflection of Christ
when you did only one act of love in your life?
Of course not!
Christ's life here on earth was a daily sacrifice, and giving
of Himself in love to all those around Him.
Daily, Consistently, Sacrificially, and Purposefully.
We must love like He loved.
If we don't, the reflection will be of ourselves.
Be a reflection of Christ, Love, daily.
So that all those around will see you are
a Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Let your actions be like the string of Bleeding Hearts above.
I truly believe, the Lord has given us a picture of His
Love in creation.
One act after another, stringing a life together so that all those
around have no doubt who you reflect.
Let our hearts bleed love, over and over our whole life through!