They say a good posture can be the difference between a healthy body and an unhealthy one.
Good posture before the Lord is just as important.
So lets see what a good posture before the Lord looks like.
I will give a few "snipits" and then dig a bit deeper. Here we go!
Exodus 3:4-6 (esv)
When the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, " Moses, Moses!" And he said, " Here I am." Then he said, "Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground." And he said, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God.
Matthew 28:9-10 (esv)
And behold, Jesus met them and said, " Greetings!" And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshiped him. 10 Then Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me."
Act 9:3-5 (esv) (Saul)
Now as he went on his way, he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven shone around him. And falling to the ground he heard a voice saying to him, " Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" And he said, " Who are you, Lord?" And he said, " I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.
Revelation 1:17 (esv)
When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead.
In Exodus we see Moses in the presence of God in a burning bush. Once Moses knew what he was seeing he hid his face in fear.
In Matthew we see Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary after He rose from the dead, as they came to visit the tomb where He was buried. Again they fell at his feet.
In Acts we see Saul confronted by Jesus after he ascended to heaven. Here Jesus appeared as a great light and spoke to Saul, and Saul fell to the ground and lost his sight.
Finally we see John on an island as he is given Revelation. He fell at His feet as though dead.
So whats the point? We have a picture, some verses, and they all point to the best type of posture before the Lord. On our knees, with our face covered, at His feet!
None can stand in His presence! Those who think they can are foolish!
Those who arrogantly approach will find themselves hiding in the mountains
praying it will fall on them!
A day is coming when ever knee will bow and every tongue will confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord!
For those who know the Lord, there is no safer place than at His mighty feet in a posture of humility.
When we see His perfection and we see our sinfulness, we will fall to our knees and praise God for His limitless love, His unending patience, and His perfect forgiveness. Apart from these things, there is no hope.
Knowing Jesus, accepting Him as your Savior, and giving all to Him will put your heart in the right posture to praise Him and thank Him for His grace!
Use your knees for what they were meant for. Kneeling!