
Monday, January 21, 2013

My Path, My Life

 As I walk the path set before,
 My eyes grow weary.
My soul runs for the open door,
But this body fails as before
The desire of my heart is to serve,
Yet sin renders me ill.
The light on my path is made clear.
You never fail, if only I would hear.
When will the time of this body end,
And it's failures made mend?
The time of your coming, when will it be?
I long to be free, learning directly from thee.

You lift up my head and wipe my tear.
My heart is mended, I feel you near!
Never shall I turn away,
My soul longs for more!
For I was created to praise,
And bring glory to the Lord!

I see in the distance, 
You have opened the door.
That I might come in.
As was Your plan
To be gently guided 
By the palm of Your hand.

I see the light of your glory!
I am in awe as I stand before you.
You open your book, and read my story.
In shame I covered my head, 
For only you are holy!
I feel your hand, how can this be?
Jesus was standing there with me!

"Accepted are you", I hear you say to me.
"You know my Son, He has spoken of you.
He has written your name, See! Here on this page!
This is His book of life,
Read now with me, the story He wrote.
And look with my eyes, its beautiful to see!
The wonderful things you have done!"

"Well done good servant, 
You shall never want more!
The trials you have had,
The molding I have done, 
Look at you now! You shine like the sun!
Your a reflection of me! Do you now see?"

"Come with me now, enjoy this reward!
Time has now ended, eternity begun, 
Now you will see, what is waiting for you,
For you have the key, you have trusted in Me!"

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