Try this for me when you get time...
When the sun goes down, turn off all the lights in the house.
Take a minute and sit in a room.
When your ready, open your eyes.
Spend a few moments focusing your eyes.
Take note of what you see.
I have done this many times and it really paints a wonderful
picture that I will try to put into words.
Unless you are buried underground there is always light.
It may not be the brightest of light, but there is light.
The Lord made it that way. One light to govern the day.
And one light to govern the night.
In order to pick up on the light, we need to spend a few
moments waiting for our eyes to adjust.
When you look at the picture posted above, it really
speaks to the type of light we see.
I purposefully removed the dominate light in the picture
in order to see the more subtle light that we don't normally focus on.
Playing around with the light can sometimes give unexpected results!
There is a Light that someday will replace the need for any other light.
One that will make all other lights look dark!
Revelation 21:22-25 (esv)
And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the
Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb.
Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb.
And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it,
for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb.
By its light will the nations walk,
and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it,
and its gates will never be shut by day
— and there will be no night there.
— and there will be no night there.
We have the ability to know this Light and see it
before all other light is made dark.
Jesus is the Light I speak of.
You can know Him today! His gift of life is free
and available to all! No matter what you have done.
Don't stay in the dark!
Focus your eyes on the Light of the world, Jesus Christ!
He is all the light you need in this dark world.
and available to all! No matter what you have done.
Don't stay in the dark!
Focus your eyes on the Light of the world, Jesus Christ!
He is all the light you need in this dark world.
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