
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Patience, Love, and Forgiveness! ( 3 )

1 Timothy 6:11 (KJV)
But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.
Same verse, different word! Are you ready?
Remember last time we were talking about "following after" or should we say pressing on towards or pursuing. Today let's look at one part of what we should be pursuing.
Righteousness.. the dictionary defines it as: "the quality of being morally right or justifiable."
But the Strong's Concordance takes it further by saying: "the condition acceptable to God. Integrity, virtue, purity of life, rightness, correctness of thinking feeling, and acting."
Now I know some questions are probably going through the heads of some.. Questions like, "what's right, or even correct?" "What really does purity of life mean?" "Who sets the standard that's imposed on us?" "What do we do when we have questions in any standard?"
The best answer for all of these questions is, the Lord Jesus Christ sets the standard. His Word is the authority in our lives. And of course prayer and daily walking with the Spirit prepares us and gets us ready to see, hear, understand, and apply the answers directly into our lives. Of course all that must come after a heart of true humility. An attitude of our hearts where we know and accept that we are not enough on our own. The Lord must complete the work in us. His Spirit has to teach us all things and empower us to be obedient. That's why we must have the attitude of pressing on towards the Lord, pursuing Him daily. And relying on Him to change our hearts and minds.
Don't stop reading God's Word! We must study it, learn from the Spirit, abide in Christ. Only when we stay close will we see joy in our lives and only in Him can we have correctness of thinking, feeling and acting! Seek and you will find! Knock, and the door shall be open unto you! May the Lord richly bless the time you spend with Him! May His Spirit mold you and give you wisdom today!

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