
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Light So Bright!

Light So Bright!

Upon entering your home at night, what is the first thing you do?
If you are like most, you reach for the light switch.
We all have an inherent need to find light.
Do an experiment with me, please. It will take some time,
and you will need to do it more than once. 
But I truly believe it will drive home the point on what we are
truly searching for..
Do it indoors or outside. The only rule is, your eyes must be closed!
As you walk with your eyes closed, which way are you looking?
Left, Right, Up, or Down?
I have found after doing this over and over that my entire head
tends to look upward... I asked myself why am I always looking up?
The answer is simple.
We are searching for the Lord.
We were created to have a relationship with Him! 
You will search your entire life for Him.
The light of men is the Lord.
He shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it!

John 1:1-5
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, 
and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.
All things were made through him, and without him 
was not any thing made that was made. 
In him was life, and the life was the light of men.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

Give this experiment an honest try.
I truly believe our eyes always will divert to the Lord. Up!
He is our Light!
Our path is known only through Him.
No One else can show the way to redemption.
Forgiveness is in the Lord!
Accept Him and follow Him!
He is the Light of your path!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Provided Paths
There is a path where every step you take is with the Lord.
There is also a path where every step you take requires the 
Lord to reach out and rescue you.
If you are walking with the Lord, you will stumble, trip, or even fall.
But the Lord is right there. And you will be reaching for Him when you fall.
Don't worry, He is faithful to catch us and to pick us up!
If you are not walking with the Lord you wont be reaching out
for Him when you fall. Your hands will be out in front of you
in order to break your fall. This will undoubtably will leave
one frustrated, bruised, and questioning every step.
There is nothing like being picked up from a fall,
being brushed off by the Lord,
and set back up your feet by His loving hands!
There is however, nothing worse than falling, feeling totally alone
with no one there who cares enough to see if you are alright.
You don't have to feel alone!
Someone does care!
The Lord will rescue you no matter where you are,
no matter how dirty or bruised.
Trust in the Lord. Let Him into your heart and life!
Live your life to please Him, and Him alone!
Then life will have purpose, meaning, direction, protection,
and you will never again feel alone!
Walk with the Lord on the path He has set before you!
Don't walk away from Him!
The road will be rocky and treacherous, and you will need rescue!
But the road He has for you will shape you and mold you into His image.
It will teach you more about the Lord,
and it will leave wanting more of Him!
Respond, Trust, and Obey!
It will be the best decision you will ever make!